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Version: 1.0.0-beta.6


CLI stands for Command-Line Interface. You can see it as the companion that helps you with your Leon journey.

For the moment, the CLI helps you for the setup of Leon. In the future more commands will be released to improve your comfort and make the use of Leon even smoother.


The table below lists all the available commands:

leon checkCheck how the setup went.
  • --name: name of the Leon instance.
leon create birthBrings Leon to life by checking all the requirements and install them with your approval.
  • --develop: install Leon from the develop Git branch.
  • --docker: install Leon with Docker.
  • --path {path}: location of your Leon instance.
  • --version {version}: install a specific version of Leon.
  • --name {name}: give a name to your Leon instance.
  • --yes: skip all questions with a "yes" answer.
leon helpList all commands available in the CLI.
leon startStart a Leon instance.
  • --port {port}: run a Leon instance with a specific port.
  • --name {name}: run a Leon instance with a specific name.